Frosh StuCo

The objectives of the Student Council are to instill American ideals and promote democratic principles in the students of the school; to promote student participation in school activities; to act as a clearing house for student problems; to promote a spirit of cooperation among the students; and to promote the highest ideals in scholarship, athletics, and extracurricular activities in the school. Meeting times are during Advisory.

Six representatives from each class are traditionally elected in the spring of the previous year of service. Freshman representatives are elected in the fall. If there is interest and availability, members-at-large may also be selected.

Each member of the Student Council must maintain a minimum 2.8 cumulative grade point average, which is verified for the sponsor through guidance. To be eligible to run for class representative in Fall elections, he or she must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 and must have no major disciplinary referrals or suspensions and no more than 1 minor disciplinary referral for the current and previous academic years. To be eligible to run for class representative in Spring elections, he or she must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 and must have no major disciplinary referrals or suspensions and no more than 1 minor disciplinary referral for the current academic year.

The application can be found by clicking here. You must use your school email address to apply. The application will expire on Wednesday, August 28, at 5:00 p.m.